To recap, the rem unit means "The root element's font-size" (rem stands for "root em"). The <li> елементів всередині <ul> with class of rems thee sizing from the root element ( <html> ). getting larger.
What are em and rem and why use them? em is CSS unit relative to the font size of parent element, while rem is CSS unit relative to the font size of html element. Внизу вони є стрімкіми units, meaning they give us the ability до значних елементів up and down, relative to a set value.
Rem і pixel (px) є двома частинами вимірювання, які використовуються в CSS і HTML, щоб розпізнати font size, margin or image size for example. However, the 2 units have big difference in terms of web accessibility, because a pixel is not responsive and that's why it'sbetter використовувати REM.